NIU student OK after being hit by bus

By Mark McGowan

An NIU student was hit by a Huskie Line bus early yesterday morning on Greenbrier Road after becoming caught between the bus and a passing car, DeKalb police said Thursday.

David A. Herda, 19, 242 Gilbert Hall, was treated and released from Kishwaukee Community Hospital, Route 23 and Bethany Road, after the 9:28 a.m. accident. Hospital officials would not release information concerning Herda’s injuries.

Herda allegedly was walking around a parked car when the bus swerved and trapped him between the two vehicles. After the accident, Herda fell to the ground, although he was conscious.

A passenger on the bus said after they heard the hit, students called to the bus driver to keep going but the bus was stopped. The passenger said the side windows were fogged but there was some visibility through the front windshield.

The driver did not move or call the garage, the passenger said. Another Huskie Line driver who was a passenger left the bus, saw the body and called the base.

“The bus was not traveling fast and no one was in risk,” the passenger said. He also said the bus was filled to capacity, creating more weight.

Passengers left the bus and walked to classes, according to another passenger.

Bus service was later suspended because of “severe visibility problems and unsafe driving conditions.