Lower phone rates available to needy

By Mark Gates

The Illinois Telephone Association will offer telephone connection service at a reduced cost to eligible needy persons, including students, next month.

The “Link Up Illinois” program is part of a nationwide effort called “Link Up America”. It was mandated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to concerns from various organizations, including the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).

Qualified families will receive phone service for one-half the usual service connection fee, up to a maximum allowance of $30. Those who participate in the program will have six months to pay for the connection charge and interest free.

Rachel McKeel, public affairs specialist for the Contel of Illinois branch in Sycamore, said there are 600,000 households in Illinois that are eligible for the program.

McKeel said an applicant can have an outstanding telephone bill balance and still be eligible for the program. Contel will work with participants to figure out monthly payments for any outstanding balance, she said.

More than 500,000 Illinois residents will receive brochures in November explaining the program. Those who qualify for the program must contact their local telephone company.

The price cut applies only to the connection charge. It does not apply to the costs of any additional services. One phone line per household is allowed. The service must be in the name of the eligible person.

To qualify for the program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

Applicants can not be claimed as dependents on federal income tax returns, unless over 60 years of age.

Applicants must qualify for a government-sponsored assistance program.

McKeel said the “Link Up Illinois” program is the first phase of the FCC’s effort to provide phone service to the underprivileged. The second phase probably will go into effect in 1990. Needy persons will not be charged the full amount for monthly phone service, she said.