Group aims to join IFC, BGC

By Michelle Isaacson

Sigma Lambda Beta, a new minority social/service fraternity, has formed an interest group at NIU and is trying to join the InterFraternity and Black Greek Councils.

Mike DeValdivielso, president of Sigma Lambda Beta, said the fraternity is interested in joining both InterFraternity and Black Greek Councils. “We want to be a bridge between the black and the white Greek systems. We’re in between. We don’t want to separate ourselves,” he said.

The interest group has six members and has received Student Association recognition. The fraternity plans to hold Rush during the second week of February.

The fraternity’s pledging program lasts six weeks, with no hazing, he said. “I think that any person that would allow themselves to be hazed would be of lesser value to the organization. You can still have a sense of unity without physical punishment.”

“We take people that are proud of what they are, not just necessarily their culture. We want people who have the potential to help the organization grow,” he said.

“Minorities should feel it’s important to be involved with university activities and outside organizations. They should be proud of their culture. It’s very important that Latinos are recognized,” he said.

DeValdivielso started the interest group at NIU. He was a member of Sigma Lambda Beta at Western Illinois University before he transferred to NIU this semester.

He said the fraternity hopes to have colony status next semester and wants to participate in Greek activities such as Greek Week.