PRSSA to promote VOLT
October 23, 1989
NIU’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) might soon use skills learned in the classroom for the benefit of the DeKalb community.
PRSSA, which has about 40 members at NIU, will be involved with the Volunteers of Literacy Training (VOLT) program at Kishwaukee Community College. VOLT recruits volunteers to tutor adults overcoming illiteracy.
Valerie Baxley, PRSSA public service director, said PRSSA members will use their public relations skills to promote VOLT. Jeanne Hayes, the director of VOLT, asked PRSSA to help promote the program. Promotions might include advertising on local radio stations and in local newspapers, Baxley said.
The advertising will stress VOLT’s need for committed volunteers, the lack of which has been a problem in the past. PRSSA commitment to VOLT will last for the remainder of this semester, Baxley said.
Baxley said PRSSA hopes to get as many members as possible to volunteer time to the VOLT program. Previously, the VOLT program “has not had an overflowing response” from the NIU community, she said. This semester, Baxley said she hopes student response will be better. A VOLT volunteer usually tutors one hour each week.
Lara Cipolla, a member of PRSSA, said the organization’s association with VOLT will be “a great way for public relations students to get involved with the community.” Literacy is “taken for granted” in American society, she said.