Fewer buses due to lack of funds

By David Pollard

Lowering the number of Huskie buses on Greek Row and residence hall routes from four to three has caused the buses to pass up some stops due to overcrowding.

Dave Pack, president of the Student Association Mass Transit Board, said the cut from four buses to three buses started two years ago. He said it was due to the President’s Fee Study Commission miscalculation of the number of chargeable student credit hours for the school year.

“This year we’re (mass transit board) working with an $8,000 budget,” he said. The fee study commission anticipated $110,000 in chargeable student credit hours to carry over from last year but there is only a $62,000 carry over, he said.

The fee study commission put the board in the red so more buses cannot afford to be running, he said.”To put on an extra number three of four bus on the route would cost about $30,000 a year,” he said.

Pack said, although the board is low on funds it “doesn’t mean we’re going to slash services.”

Before the buses were taken away, the four buses on each route would make 14 trips an hour. Now, with the three buses on each route, they make nine trips an hour.

When asked about the expansion of the Greek Row area and how it affects the bus line he said, “I do have a long range planning sub-committee. With the twelve units of West Ridge apartments and the addition of more we’ll have 400 potential students to deal with,” he said.

Pack added,”The board will have to take a closer look at the area and the future need of the area.”

Dan Bartz, operations manager for the Huskie Bus Line, said in regards to the passing up of passengers, “People get used to it. We get very few complaints along that line.”

Scott Eifert, who lives on Edgebrook Drive said, “It is upsetting, mainly when you go to class. We go to a different spot to wait for the bus because we can’t wait for one near our residence because we get passed up.”

Eric Miller, who lives on Hillcrest Drive said, “If it’s important and I need to there early I get to the bus stop earlier or walk.”

Jerry Agma, Stevenson South resident, said, “It’s something that has to be corrected. Maybe they need more buses.”

Lisa Kozoil, who resides on Hillcrest said, “So far it hasn’t been too bad since it’s been nice outside. It’s really bad 8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., later in the day it is a lot better.”

Pack gives advice to students using the bus, saying, “Hang in there and plan a little extra time before leaving.”