Fraternity to help in cleanup

By Michelle Isaacson

Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity will participate Saturday in a cleanup of Safe Passage, a domestic violence agency.

Director of Safe Passage Pam Wiseman said Safe Passage is a domestic violence agency which offers help for battered women and their children.

Mike Alber, Lambda Chi vice president, said the cleanup efforts are part of the fraternity’s philanthropy. He said Safe Passage gives them a list of things to do including cleaning, painting and house repairs. “They’ve (Lambda Chi) really been quite cooperative,” Wiseman said.

Safe Passage is a safehouse for victims of domestic violence, most often for women and children. It provides temporary shelter, food and necessities, a crisis line and legal advocacy.

A child or woman is beaten every 15 seconds and two-thirds of all married women experience some form of domestic violence. In the past year, Safe Passage has helped 96 women and children each month.

Alber said about 30 to 35 active and associate members of Lambda Chi will participate in the noon-hour cleanup.

“We do this out of the goodness of our hearts and to show the community our support and to increase the awareness of assault,” Alber said.

Lambda Chi member Jeff Parker, said the project began in fall 1986 when fraternity members volunteered to talk with children while their mothers were in counseling. Parker said the cleanup activity began in the spring 1987.

The fraternity also will participate in a ribbon tying ceremony during October—National Domestic Violence month. Wiseman said the fraternity will aid the shelter by tying white ribbons around trees throughout DeKalb. Each ribbon will represent a battered woman, Wiseman said.