Day of Action III aim: continued awareness

By Stephanie Bradley

A “speak-out” where participants can express their opinions on higher education issues has been planned for April 5 as a part of Day Of Action III.

At two joint meetings between the John Lennon Society and the Student Political Education and Action Committee, members discussed plans for a national DOA III rally to be held April 19.

JLS member Julie Stege said students at several other schools plan to observe the day, including Illinois State University in Normal, Northwestern University in Evanston, the University of Illinois in Chicago, the University of Wisconsin in Madison and Kent State University.

JLS member Tom Rainey said an effort should be made to make sure the ideas communicated during this year’s DOA are sustained throughout the year. Rainey said the previous events were planned as single events, not as stepping stones to continued awareness throughout the year.

Student Association Senate Speaker Phill Buoscio said the groups should focus on one or two issues, such as tuition. He said they should support an immediate tuition freeze because it would get other schools and Illinois legislators to act.

JLS member Marna Coldwater said DOA III participants should support more than one or two issues because “the legislature moves too slowly.” She said, however, that the message projected by the previous events was unclear, so “a few broad themes” should be discussed this time.

Buoscio suggested a candlelight walk through the residence hall area and Greek Row to obtain support. He said it would be a good way to get different groups involved.

JLS member Jim Fabris was concerned with the lack of minority involvement at the meetings and said an effort should be made to get minorities involved in DOA III.

Don Henderson, director of Students’ Legal Assistance, said if participants plan a parade or a march, they must obtain a permit from the City of DeKalb. He said the city cannot prohibit them from having a parade or a march.

The group decided not to block highways during the upcoming DOA. At DOA II on April 13, 79 people were arrested for blocking Lincoln Highway.

JLS members decided to reserve the Martin Luther King Memorial Commons as well as a sound system and stage for the April 19 event. They also plan to man tables in every building on campus if possible.

While some members discussed their ideas for DOA III, Coldwater said the group has to “have something more concrete than ideas. We have to begin contacting people, have to get fliers out tomorrow.” She said several members will be designing different fliers.

SA President Paula Radtke said she would need to get input from SPEAC before a sound system could be rented because the money would come from the SA, of which SPEAC is a part.

SPEAC member Susan Vincent, who acted as chairman for the discussion, said she could not make any decisions on plans for DOA. She said consensus from the entire SPEAC is necessary before any plans are solidified.