Neylon, Pennington address SA Senate

By Holly Schubert

Incumbent 6th Ward Alderman Mike Neylon and opponent Jamie Pennington addressed the Student Association Senate Sunday night.

Both are running for alderman of the 6th Ward, which includes Lincoln, Douglas, Neptune and Gilbert halls, Cardinal Apartments, Lincolnshire West Apartments, DeKalb Center, Colonial Townhouses and Old Orchard Apartments.

Neylon was appointed to the DeKalb City Council last fall to fill a vacancy created by Steve Brody. His appointment was approved by the council 6-1, with 7th Ward Alderman Mark Powell casting the dissenting vote.

As a member of the DeKalb City Council, Neylon has served on the Board for Local Improvement and has been nominated to the Towing Committee.

If re-elected, Neylon said he would address the issue of the DeKalb towing ordinance. Neylon said the ordinance needs “a lot of work” because it has resulted in lawsuits and other problems.

Neylon said his incumbency and comparatively lengthy residency are two advantages of his campaign. “Sitting on the DeKalb City Council and living in the community for 15 years gives insight,” he said. “It’s a different situation walking in with insight and knowing how to get information.”

Pennington said his opponent “may have lived in DeKalb for 15 years, but has only lived in the 6th Ward for eight months.” He has lived in the 6th Ward for four years and is “more abreast” of the ward’s situation.

If elected, Pennington said his constituency will include “the entire City of DeKalb, NIU students and the 6th Ward residents.”

He questioned Neylon’s contact with his constituents. “I don’t think we’re getting adequate representation from the 6th Ward,” Pennington said. “I think the students of NIU can do better than just an average alderman.”

Pennington said Neylon should have attended SA senate meetings before election time. “Your constituents won’t come to you—you need to go to them.”

Neylon is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity and is the manager of the DeKalb Pet Shop, 121 S. First St.

Pennington is the SA president pro tem and vice-chairman of the Young Democrats.

Pennington and Neylon are running as independents. Both candidates said partisan politics have no place in city government. Both candidates said they would remain in DeKalb and serve their entire term if elected.

After hearing presentations from both candidates, the senate has the option of endorsing either in two weeks.