Letter discusses Neptune parking

By Stephanie Bradley

The Parking Committee discussed a letter at their meeting Thursday from a student concerned about the number of parking spaces available to Neptune Hall residents.

Written by Neptune Steven Sanders, the letter stated that parking lot D, located directly west of Neptune Hall, is inadequate for the number of Neptune residents. Sanders stated in the letter there are currently 62 parking spaces for about 900 potential drivers.

Sanders suggested the classification of parking lot E north of the Student Recreation Center (the former lot G) be changed to accomodate resident student vehicles. When the letter was written last October, that lot only accommodated the vehicles of commuter students.

Since last October, a section on the east side of lot E has been allocated to resident students, said Parking Committee Chairman Bob Bornhuetter. The addition of lots X and O, both north of the University Apartments, also alleviates some parking problems, he said.

Student Committe Member Gary Stittgen said not many students park in lot O because its location is inconvenient for students. Students must walk through lots O, X and W to get to the residence halls west of Annie Glidden Road, he said.

Committee Member Henry Winsor said lots X and O should have safety improvements so more students will park there. He said better lighting near the creek is needed because the area is currently poorly lit and potentially dangerous.

The ratio of students who have purchased parking stickers to the number of student spaces is roughly one to one, said committee member Elise Masur. While some of the spaces might be in inconvenient lots, there are adequate spaces for students who have purchased stickers, she said.