Black Theatre Workshop presents semester finale

By Frank Partipilo

The Black Theater Workshop will present its last play of the semester, titled “Sign of the Times” on Dec. 3 in the Music Building’s Concert Hall at 8 p.m.

Tony Carter, president of the Black Theater Workshop, said that all acts and dances of the play will follow its main theme.

The theme of the play will be more serious than in previous years, but Carter said that it was specifically planned that way.

“This year will be a change in tradition from our usual comedy, or upbeat type of performance,” Carter said. “Even though the BTW is primarily known for its comedy, we wanted to approach this play in a different fashion.”

The theme of the play will concentrate on and try to reflect the condition of society.

Songs will deal with issues concerning our time such as drugs, broken homes, impoverished families, and the struggle of the average black men and their families.

“The play will also involve street gangs and death, and we hope these issues will leave an impression on the audience,” Carter said.

He added that the entire play will not consist of downbeat issues, but will also contain some humor. “We want the play to be enjoyable, but at the same time, we want it to leave a statement.”

Carter highly emphasized how much the BTW Dance Troupe has been built up for this performance.

“The dancers will be featured more in this performance than in recent previous performances.”

Carter said the troupe has been in development for some time, and it is hoped that this play can be used as a showcase to present more entertainment to the NIU community in the future.

“The major goal of the BTW is to develop a high level of understanding of black images through dancing, as well as a higher level of the black community as a whole.”