SA Court to decide if senate has right

By Joelle McGinnis

The Student Association Supreme Court will meet today to decide whether its senate has the power to remove Sigma Chi’s SA recognition for the fraternity’s yearlong university sanctions.

A petition requesting the court review the SA Constitution and Bylaws and determine if there is any legitimate way to remove the fraternity’s recognition was delivered Monday by SA President Paula Radtke and Senate Speaker Joe Annunzio.

SA Supreme Court Chief Justice Carolyn Eichner said, “There is some question if either the senate or the senate standards committee has the power to take recognition away from Sigma Chi based on the skit,” she said.

Sigma Chi was suspended by the university for one year after a Nov. 20 skit, performed by five fraternity members, was viewed as racist by several audience members.

If the quorum of justices determines it is within the senate’s power to take recognition away from the fraternity, then the issue will go to the senate standards committee. The committee, which is composed of the senate speaker, the SA vice president and the minority relations adviser, will make a full report and recommendation before going to the senate for a vote, Eichner said.

After a 3 1/2 hour debate last Sunday, a motion by Sen. Regina Hudson to remove Sigma Chi’s recognition for the duration of the fraternity’s university sanctions failed after a majority vote of the senate. However, a resolution and sanctions condemning the fraternity’s actions later were approved.

During the meeting, Annunzio opposed the removal of the fraternity’s recognition and said, “I’m very pissed off at the president of the Black Student Union, Tracy Deis, to come in here and tell the senate that we should make an example of Sigma Chi. … There is no justifiable means to pull the recognition according to the bylaws,” he said.

Thursday, Annunzio declined comment on his current position regarding the issue and said, “At one time, yes, I was” opposed to removing Sigma Chi’s recognition, “but look at the Phi Beta Sigma incident. Since the senate pulled recognition for an immoral flyer degrading to women, then (it) should do the same for an immoral act degrading blacks.”