SA shortage forces money transfer

By Greg Rivara

A Student Association budget deficit for off-campus printing required the senate Sunday to transfer about $883 from unused summer 1988 salaries to cover the shortfall.

SA Treasurer Diana Turowski told the senate the line item transfer is necessary because a combination of excessive off-campus printing, outstanding printing bills with Kinko’s Copies, 901 E. Lucinda Ave., and expenses incurred by SA Research Committee have contributed to the almost $563 deficit.

Turowski said the money used to cover the budget deficit was not taken out of the on-campus printing budget because there is $719 left in that budget while the unused summer ‘88 salaries have about $1280. The on-campus printing budget has to last until the end of the year, she said.

Turowski said the SA will be reimbursed by the Illinois Student Association for the bills incurred by the SA Research Committee. Committee chairman Ann Rapp is working on information and fliers concerning ISA student internships, she said.

In other related matters, the senate approved a total of about $588 in supplemental funding for 15 student organizations.

The senate approved about $556 to organizations for advertisements in The Northern Star, Turowski said. The supplemental funding was necessary because the approved budgets for fiscal year 1989 did not take into account a possible increase in price per column inch, she said.

The SA budgeted about $23,000 to organizations for Star advertisements in the spring of ’88, Turowski said. Advertisement budgets were allocated monies for $4.10 per column inch but the present rate is $4.90 per column inch, she said.

Sen. Gary Stittgen said the senate should examine different ways to send a message to the Star that the senate is against the increases. “The Star keeps raising rates like this—with the budget crunch—and (the senate) needs to send a message to the Star to stop wasting money by printing adds in color,” he said.

In addition, the senate approved about $31 to the Black Theater Workshop for transportation expenses. The organization’s original funding for five trips did not account for the vehicle rental time necessary to pick up and drop off props, Turowski said.

The senate, after little discussion, unanimously approved the three motions.