Retiree available for consulting projects

By Stephanie Bradley

William Parker, associate vice president for business and operations, has retired effective today, but might be available for consulting work.

Parker said he is beginning his “early retirement” to northern California this month, but will be available for consulting work if NIU needs his services. Parker said his retirement officially begins on Nov. 1, and that he has been planning retirement for some time.

NIU President John LaTourette said Parker might return to NIU about every three months as a paid consultant to ensure operations run smoothly.

He said it is not unusual to have outstanding retired employees do consulting work for their former employers. He cited examples of one retired faculty member and one retired staff member who are currently doing consulting work for NIU.

“It is a unique arrangement. It is difficult to find someone with his (Parker’s) skills for the job. We don’t have very many people like him (at NIU),” LaTourette said. Parker’s replacement would handle the everyday business, and Parker would handle special work, he said.

James Harder, vice president for business and operations, said he and Parker talked about working as a consultant, but nothing had been settled or signed.

LaTourette said Parker was proposed the consulting job because it would be difficult to find someone with Parker’s skills to act as a consultant either inside or outside of the university. He said Parker will work on the human resource system and has worked on the payment plan for tuition and room and board.

A search committee to replace Parker includes members from Business and Operations, the University Council, the Student Association, and the Commission on the Status of Minorities among others.

Mary Crumbacher, operating staff council member, said there are five candidates for Parker’s position, but only one has been interviewed so far. The other candidates will be interviewed throughout November. Crumbacher said she did not know who will replace Parker in the meantime.

The names of the candidates were not available, but LaTourette said two are NIU employees.

LaTourette said Parker came to NIU about 16 years ago to help fix the problems Registration and Records was having. He said Parker has been the one to make sure to “get things done” quickly.

Parker has been working on the Holmes Student Center Bookstore “Privatization” committee.