University considers outsiders

The Holmes Student Center Bookstore might be run by an outside vendor if an NIU committee to investigate the matter decides it will be more cost-effective to do so.

Neil Kepner, HSC Bookstore interim director, said it is “premature to speculate” on whether the bookstore will be run by a major chain if the committee chooses to have the bookstore run by an outside vendor.

William Parker, associate vice president of business and operations, said NIU has the responsibility to choose an outside vendor if it is more cost-efficient and can provide more or better services. He said a vendor the size of K-Mart “can buy merchandise in a way NIU can’t.”

Parker said it would be easy to control what the vendor does because a contract would be drawn up stating exactly what is expected from the vendor.

Parker said there will be no problems facing the project if “everything is done right.” He said, “it’s a matter of having the right people involved, having the proper discussions.”

Kepner said the meeting will be mainly organizational. He said the members will set ground rules on how to approach the matter. This will include the number of meetings and how often they should be held.

Kepner said the committee will have nine voting members. The meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. in HSC room 306.