Study shows drivers within speed limit at intersection

By Suzanne Tomse

A “speed study” conducted at the intersection of Annie Glidden Road and Lincoln Highway shows 85 percent or more of the motorists were driving within the legal limit of 35 mph during the examination period.

The study was conducted by the DeKalb Public Works department upon suggestion by a DeKalb County Coroner’s jury. The jury recommended that traffic safety changes be made at the intersection because of a fatal automobile accident in August.

The death of NIU student Kristine Conn, 18, who was involved in the accident at the intersection, was ruled accidental by the jury in September.

Ralph Tompkins, DeKalb assistant public works director said the speed study was conducted on Oct. 7, 10 and 11. He said the speed of about 9,000 cars traveling north and south through the intersection was registered through the use of mechanical counters.

Tompkins said hoses are placed across the roadway in order to check the speeds of the vehicles. “We use them (hoses) to do speed studies across the community,” he said.

Speed conditions at the intesection were found to be “pretty normal,” Tompkins said. Although some motorists were registered above the legal speed limit, more than 85 percent of the 9,000 cars were within the limit, he said.

Besides reducing the speed limit at the intersection, the coroner’s jury also recommended that a left turn on arrow only sign be placed at the intersection.

Tompkins said before safety changes are made at an intersection other studies might be conducted such as a three-year accident review. He said accident reviews are used to determine if a pattern has developed at the location, or to see if certain conditions such as slippery pavement or visibility problems are contributing to traffic accidents.