Voters still have alternatives

Even though this semester’s senators, for the most part, have already been chosen, there are still some alternatives left for students who still choose to exercise their right to vote in the SA Senate elections.

One choice still remaining for students who wish to protest the lack of candidates is to write “invalidate this election” on the write in portion of the ballot and put pressure on administration and the SA elections committee to enforce this request.

Another choice for students concerned by the monopolization of off-campus senate seats by the greek coalition is to cast votes for the four students not affiliated with the interest group:

Jeff Buczkuwicz

Michele Gerritson

Brian Holt

Jay Thomas Link

A third option for students choosing to counter the coalition’s campaign is to organize an alternative write-in campaign to elect a person or persons best qualified to represent the concerns and interests of the off-campus students.

It is important for students to go to the polls and make their voices heard in opposition to the coalition. Whether serving the special interests of greeks, Republicans or the John Lennon Society, a coalition does not reflect the concerns of the voting students.

If students choose to be apathetic and do not vote, they deserve whatever government is chosen for them.