Kepner named temporary director of HSC bookstore

By Stephanie Bradley

Neil Kepner, NIU’s Holmes Student Center accountant, has been named interim director of the HSC Bookstore to replace current Director Stanley Shedaker, who will leave Sept. 16.

Shedaker has been bookstore director since the fall of 1986.

Shedaker said NIU has not started to search for a permanent director and probably will not for at least six months because the university may be waiting until the position of HSC permanent director is filled before filling the bookstore position.

Kepner, a 17-year HSC employee, was the bookstore’s interim director twice before.

Kepner will keep his current job as accountant while taking over the new position, which means “he will have to do a lot of work,” Herrmann said.

Shedaker said Kepner was the logical choice for the position because he had been interim director before. He also said choosing Kepner prevented conflict between the bookstore’s assistant directors.

Both Shedaker and Herrmann gave Kepner’s expertise as a reason for choosing him for the position.

“He understands how the university works and is aware of everything that goes on (in the bookstore). I have no problem with him,” Shedaker said.

Herrmann said Kepner, whom he describes as the HSC “business manager” in terms of his duties, was picked because he is familiar with bookstore operations. “He has done a good job before,” he said.

As the HSC accountant, Kepner maintains the responsibilities of budget activity, cash receipts and records of financial transactions, among other duties, he said.