Student sought by police after Woodstock murders

By Suzanne Tomse

Police are searching the Wisconsin Dells area for NIU student Richard Church, who is charged with the slayings of his ex-girlfriend’s parents.

Woodstock Police Chief Herb Pitzman said a fugitive warrant was issued Aug. 25 for Church, who had crossed the Wisconsin state line. The warrant charges Church with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

Church, who was registered at NIU for the fall semester, was described by a former floormate as an “average, quiet guy who kept to himself.” However, he said that when Church became drunk and angered, he developed a “dangerous personality.”

“He was known to hit other people and to hurt himself,” the floormate said. However, Church did not show his anger when he was sober, he said.

The floormate, who lived with Church on the ninth floor of Stevenson Towers South last year, said Church might have taken his own life. “He has nothing to come back to,” he said.

Pitzman said the FBI will assist in the search for Church by interviewing his out-of-state relatives and friends. He said that although police are checking into some out-of-state leads, they have not had any sightings of Church outside of the Wisconsin Dells area. “This doesn’t mean he won’t come down back there,” Pitzman said.

Church also is charged with attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend, Colleen Ritter, 17, and her brother, Matthew, 10. Pitzman said Colleen is in good condition at Memorial Hospital in Woodstock. Matthew was released Tuesday.

Reports indicate that Church, identified by Colleen and Matthew, entered the Ritter home, 209 W. Greenwood Ave., Woodstock, shortly after 5 a.m. Aug. 21 and fatally bludgeoned and stabbed Ray and Ruth Ritter, his former girfriend’s parents.

With her parent’s encouragement, Colleen had broken off her two-and-half year relationship with Church. Friends said after Colleen’s rejection, Church became hostile and angry.

Reports indicate Church was last spotted by a Dells motel clerk Aug. 21 about six hours after the slayings. Police are searching for Church’s two-tone blue Dodge pickup truck, license plate 746 849B.