UC gives input on discrimination plan

By Suzanne Tomse

NIU’s Discrimination Task Force Monitor Subcommittee has asked the University Council to provide its input on the latest draft of an action plan addressing campus discrimination.

The plan, “An Institutional Plan to Address Campus Discrimination,” is an “ongoing, working document that is not written in stone,” UC Executive Secretary Judith Bischoff said.

The document states, “Furthur discussion and review will be solicited in order to continually update and improve Northern’s quest for a more perfect university. No action plan which seriously purports to address campus discrimination can be successful without the collective commitment and support of all members of the community and their eternal vigilence to oppose bigotry and intolerance.”

Bischoff said the monitor subcommittee has distributed copies of the plan to council members to obtain suggestions from the various constituencies represented on the UC.

The plan consists of eight priorities:



-structures and policies

-social/cultural environment

-academic/institutional environment



-national/international issues.

Bischoff said the plan was developed in response to recommendations by the Discrimination Task Force. However, the plan also includes suggestions and ideas from different members of the university community, the document states.

Subcommittee Chairman William Monat presented the plan to council members Nov. 11. Bischoff said one concern expressed at that time was the responsibilities of the faculty members were not mentioned in the plan.

Bischoff said other universities such as the University of Michigan also are developing an action plan against discrimination. “It all depends on the situation at a university. There are lots of variables involved.”

Monat asked council members to convey their suggestions and comments to him by Nov. 30.