Huskie Busline second to CTA

By Moin H. Khan

NIU’s Huskie line was second in ridership in Illinois only to the Chicago Transit Authority, as it carried about 3.2 million people during the last academic year, said its General Manager Charles Battista (cq).

About 100,000 people a week use the Huskie line which is a division of American Transit Corporation. There are about 23,000 students and 3,000 faculty and staff members on this campus.

According to CTA more than 611 million people ride its buses yearly.

uskie line, started its services in 1971, operates 40 buses an hour on turn around basis from the bus mall, near Pow Wow Room, Battista said. The buses travel around 500 miles a year, he added.

Totally funded by the student’s fees, Huskie line charge Students for the bus fee at the rate of $2.33 per credit hour and $28 maximum. Students pay the fee at the time of registration. Faculty and Staff members purcase bus passes at $28. About 50 faculty and staff members purchased bus passes this semester. There is a proposal to reduce the amount of bus passes to $18. The concerned official was unavailable to confirm. General public has to pay 50 cents a ride.

Students’ Mass Transit Board decides about the rate, stop, frequency and schedule of the buses. Huskie line, provides the professional guidance and the vehicle. They also train the drivers.

Battista said Huskie line has the satisfactory safety performance. It has three accidents per 1,000 miles, he added.

“We believe that is testimonial to good performance of our student drivers and our training program,” Battista said.

e said because of Huskie line’s good performance university every time bids out in its favor