NIU illustration major wins Trib poster contest

By Christine Boike

An NIU illustration major recently won first place in a contest sponsored by The Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine by creating a poster and slogan for the city.

Kris Pearson, a 21-year-old junior, competed against about 2,300 contestants who took up the challenge. Entries were received from almost every suburb of Chicago and at least 14 other states.

Pearson said there were two types of entries, each requiring its own original slogan as a base. Contestants then could choose either to write a 25-to-250-word essay or to create an artistic illustration highlighting their slogan.

Pearson’s entry was an airbrushed/mixed-media poster titled “The Spice of Life,” which was judged by editors of the magazine and Tribune columnist Mike Royko, Pearson said.

For his efforts, Pearson won $500 and a family membership to the Shedd Aquarium. Pearson said winning the contest has opened many doors to the future.

Eventually, Pearson said he wants to free-lance his work. “I want to choose the projects I want to do,” he said.

Pearson is quickly climbing the ladder of success, as this is not the first award he has earned. Last year’s Northern Star Special Orientation Edition featured one of his illustrations on the front page. The cover illustration was submitted for judging and won “The Chicago Tribune/ICPA 1987 Competition for Graphic Illustration, Open Category.”

Pearson currently is working on the cover of On-Line, a student magazine produced by a Journalism 485 class.