Polls open for Student Association elections

Today and tomorrow students can vote for their favorite candidates in the race for Student Association executive offices.

Candidates running for SA president are Phil Chihoski, incumbent Jim Fischer and Mike Murvihill. SA vice presidential candidates are Cam Davis and Jim Collins and running against Todd Lipscomb for SA treasurer is Michael Stumpf.

Fischer and Davis are running together in the election, as are Murvihill and Collins. But the treasurers are running independently, as is Chihoski.

The three designated polling places are located in the Holmes Student Center near the Roy Rogers cafeteria, Founders Memorial Library and DuSable Hall. Students must present their NIU student IDs before they will be allowed to vote. The booths are open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Students who did not receive 200 signatures on petitions required before their name would appear on the ballot still have a chance to run in the election as a write-in candidate.

Cam Davis, SA Public Relations adviser, said, “The interest rate in the elections is low.” Last year 8 percent of the students voted compared with 7 percent the year before.