Festive Beverages For People Who Can’t Do Caffeine

By Ginger Simons

I love coffee, tea, cappuccinos, lattes and mochas… basically, if you can purchase it at Starbucks, I want it. However, if you’re anything like me, what feels great in the moment becomes jittery anxious turmoil about an hour later. It’s tough being a caffeine-sensitive person in a largely caffeine driven world, especially during the holidays when all of the specialty flavors start hitting the drive-throughs. So, on behalf of all of us Shaky Sally’s, I dug up five fun beverages that won’t keep you up all night, all of which can be found at your local Starbucks. Read on and drink with no regrets!

1. Chai Tea Latte

Yes, chai tea does have a tad bit of caffeine. However, it’s only about a third of what comes in the average cup of coffee, so it’ll be enough to give you a good pop of energy without rattling your insides. Plus, it’s tasty and autumnal! Score!

2. Hot Chocolate

With the average cup containing only about 5 mg of caffeine, this is a beverage that you can enjoy at any time of the day. If you want to cuddle up with a movie and snuggle in for the night, a cup of hot chocolate can be  your best friend. Best to throw a candy cane in there for good measure.

3. Caramel Apple Spice

This is a seasonal Starbucks favorite of mine. Made up of steamed apple juice, whipped cream and caramel sauce, this delightful beverage will make you want to don a warm scarf and jump around in some leaves. After you finish drinking it, of course. Hot beverages and jumping don’t typically go well together.

4. Double Chocolate Chip Cappuccino

No coffee here, just hot milk, chocolate and chocolate chips. Your scale may not thank you, but your anxiety-prone heart rate will. Indulge. You deserve it.

5. Pumpkin Spice Crème Frappuccino

What would a festive beverage list be without a mention of pumpkin spice? I’m definitely an iced beverages all year round type of gal, and how delicious this drink tastes makes up for how cold you’ll feel walking to class in 30 degree weather while holding it.