SA Senate approves constitution as living document, sustainability group

By Madison Kacer

The Student Association Senate approved two pieces of legislation at its meeting Sunday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.


The Senate voted to make the SA Constitution into a living document in a 26-10-1 vote Sunday.

The amendment, which required a 2/3 vote, allows for changes in the SA Constitution to be made directly in the document, rather than put at the end.

Sergeant at Arms Timothy Brandner said this will make the document easier to read and access for both students and SA members.

A file of the original document will still be available online.

To view the constitution, go to


In a unanimous vote, the SA Senate approved the Sustainability, Environment and Recycling Management Association.

The organization focuses on educating students and faculty about environmentally conscious practices, as well as providing environmentally-focused services for NIU.

Members are required to dedicate 10 hours of service each semester. Some current initiatives include informing students about recycling and composting.