Robbery reported on Spiros Court

By Northern Star staff

A robbery was reported to have occurred Wednesday night at the 800 block of Spiros Court, according to an NIU Police safety bulletin.

DeKalb Police notified NIU Police at 11:10 p.m. that a male was approached by two males when one of the males punched the victim in the face and took his wallet, according to the safety bulletin. The suspects were described as being in their early twenties, between 5-feet-7-inches and 5-feet-and-9-inches tall and in black hooded-sweatshirts and blue bandannas around their mouths, according to the safety bulletin.

DeKalb police continue to investigating the incident.

Anyone with information on the report can contact the DeKalb Police Department at 815-748-8400, the NIU Police Department at 815-753-1212 or anonymously at 815-753-8477.