Haunted house needs volunteers

By Northern Star Staff

The Amenti Egyptian Theatre Haunted House, 135 N. Second St., is returning for an eighth season and it needs volunteers.

Volunteers will help load materials, scenery and props, build the haunted house, participate as actors, assist with ticket-taking, security and selling merchandise, help with makeup and costumes and help with taking down the haunted house.

No experience is necessary and various shifts are available.

Volunteers must be 16 years or older.

To apply, visit www.amenti.info and fill out the volunteer application or call the Egyptian Theatre at 815-758-1215.

The haunted house will be open Oct. 18-20, Oct. 25-27, Oct. 30 and Nov. 1-2.

Amenti is an annual fundraiser for the Egyptian Theatre, and is named after “Amenti,” the Egyptian goddess who guards the world of the dead.