Finals’ fashion tips

By Kayla Cameron

Who has the time to look good when coffee has become the new water and sleep is no longer a necessity?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call finals week. The result of the end of the semester is countless library hours and late-night study sessions. I can assume the last thing on everyone’s mind is what you’re going to wear to your next final. Instead of wearing your PJ’s to class here are a few ideas for clothes to wear that will make you feel comfortable and relaxed, and hopefully make your finals less stressful.

Comfort is Key

Since we are all struggling to fill our minds with immeasurable amounts of information from several different classes, the last thing we need is to be bothered by uncomfortable clothing. Wearing clothes that make us feel relaxed makes us calm and at ease. Therefore, it is easier to stay focused and not stress about studying.

Bring a Bag.

During finals you don’t want to be feeling flustered or unorganized. I recommend having a big bag that has all your essential items in it. You can stock the bag with granola bars or trail mix to curb your hunger between finals or library sessions. Grab some fruit to help fuel your mind or a water bottle to keep yourself hydrated during intense study sessions. Lastly, pack your entire collection of notes or study guides for a quick peek before the final.

Do Something with Your Hair

I recommend you to tie your hair back so you won’t have to worry about it being perfect or getting in the way. Even just taking a bobby pin and pinning back the sides helps a lot. No one likes to be focusing on an exam and then be interrupted with little strands of hair falling in their face. Keeping hair pulled back also saves from any time-consuming upkeep or styling that could be used for crucial study time.