‘Guy Code’ spinoff gives girls hope

By Aymie Telinski

MTV’s newest series, “Girl Code,” shows women’s thoughts on things like the definition of a “frenemy” or the proper and courteous way to stand in line while waiting for the bathroom.

“Girl Code” is a spinoff of MTV2’s “Guy Code.” “Girl Code” focuses on interviewing female stand-up comics, actresses, musicians and even a few guys to see what their opinion is of the show’s girl world theme–hilarity is sure to ensue.

According to MTV.com, “[Girl Code is] a strong and smart female driven comedy series bringing millennial viewers a new, hilarious how-to manual full of over the top tips to push the envelope and open the dialogue about the wonders and woes of womanhood.”

“Girl Code” cast member and stand-up comedian Jessimae Peluso thinks guys should watch the show to learn how to communicate better with their girlfriends. She also wants everyone to know why girls think and act the way they do.

“‘Girl Code’ is basically all the rules of being a woman,” said Peluso, according to SyracuseOnline.com. “It really teaches you a lot about women and what we do and the kind of things that happens to us…. It’s not just fluff. I learned something about myself.”

MTV’s website gives a brief biography on why each female cast member is perfect for the show.

According to MTV.com, Nicole Byer is a gossip queen. Everyone has an inner gossip queen so we may be able to relate to some of Byer’s opinions and perspectives.

“Gossip is a must at any ladies’ get together, and this outspoken New Yorker will have you LOLing as she dishes the dirt…,” according to the site.

Shalyah Evans is known for being the girl who “can’t be tamed.” We all may wish to have that same unexpected personality, but for those of us who aren’t so laid back we can get tips from Evans on how to achieve this lifestyle.

I cannot wait for this show to start. Me and my friends will have something new to gossip about now.

“Girl Code” premieres 9:30 p.m. Tuesday on MTV.