There are other ways to get around campus

By AJ Edwards

We all know waiting at the bus stop can be annoying, and finding a parking space can bring about some serious road rage.

I’m talking “Fried Green Tomatoes” road rage where some jerk steals that parking spot you would have had if those students crossing the Chick Evans Field House parking lot would have hurried up.

Why not try a different mode of transportation to class? I know walking or biking can get pretty boring, so I have come up with alternative ways to get to class that proviode good exercise, are fun and can add just a hint of adventure as you make your way to DuSable Hall.

First, you could try piggyback riding to class. It’s great exercise where you can keep your heart rate elevated and work out your arms, legs and back all while making your way toward higher education. You can develop your responsibility by ensuring your fellow piggyback rider makes it to class on time. If there are any young gentlemen trying to impress that girl in their morning class, what’s a better way to show how manly you are than to show up with sweat stains with that manly scent on your body? If you really want to show her how hardcore you are, skip the deodorant and just bask in your man musk.

An alternative to piggyback riding is leapfrogging to class. It’s the ultimate test of trust for you and your partner. It has much of the same benefits as piggyback riding except for the added bonus when you cross Annie Glidden Road and drivers can partake in a real life version of Frogger. You can try to set goals every day as you embark on your leaping escapades and I’m sure there’s an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records you can try to beat. Not only will you get to class with a work out, you can become a famous record setter all in the same day.

The most entertaining way to get to class is to LARP. That’s right: You can live action roleplay your way to education. How badass would it be to not only walk to class, but to have an epic battle all the way from your apartment on Fotis Drive to Graham Hall? You can study a foreign language by casting your magic spells in whatever tongue you are studying. You can make it a quest to conquer the Reavis Hall kingdom and battle your way through goblins and elves until you have successfully made it to class.

If walking or biking to class is too boring for you then try one of these. Just remember to leave your home with enough time to leap, piggyback and LARP your way toward academic success.