First aid kit fashion tips

By Kayla Cameron

We’ve all been in a bad fashion situation.

We’re out meeting our significant other’s parents, at a fancy dinner with our family or at a business meeting with our bosses or future employers–and then something goes wrong. When I say wrong, I don’t mean you say a joke that nobody gets. I mean you pop a button on your blouse, your mascara is running or you’ve got a stain on your shirt from when you decided to get the spaghetti instead of the salad. No need to worry, though: There is a simple kit that you can put together to carry around with you on important occasions that will have you well prepared for any style disaster.

• A mini sewing kit

I know it sounds weird and a bit over the top, but trust me: Having this will be a lifesaver. You can find mini sewing kits in the dollar bins at Target or even at Hobby Lobby. They come equipped with d thread, a needle and scissors to handle any tear or fashion emergency.

• A Tide to go pen or Clorox bleach pen

These perfectly small sticks are great for on the go use. They are about the size of a pen and fit in any pocket or makeup bag. They contain a stain-removing liquid which can virtually get rid of any marks or food stains. The bleach pen is only for use on white garments.

• Make-up remover

Yes, sometimes ladies run into situations where they walk out of the house looking good but somewhere along the way things get a little messy. Luckily, Almay carries these small make-up removing sticks that touch up any mistake. They come in a pack no bigger than a compact. It’s filled with tiny Q-tips that contain makeup removing liquid in the center. All you have to do is snap the purple end of the stick, and the liquid drains into the head of the opposite side allowing you to do your touch ups anywhere. It’s perfect.

• Tiny toothbrushes

Colgate makes these small little toothbrushes that do the job without the mess and on the go. They are called Colgate Wisps. They come in a pack of two, and they’re sold at any grocery store. The pack is small, but for an added benefit it can get even smaller with its tear-apart package. This allows you to take only one at a time. The Wisps have a center that bursts with minty fresh flavor to leave your mouth feeling extra clean. For added fun and convenience, the end of these little brushes have a small pick to get any food that is still left in your teeth.

Some extras you might want to consider adding to your emergency kit:

1. Band-Aids

2. Hair ties

3. Bobby pins

4. Kleenex

5. Small pack of Advil