Favorite thing of the week: H&M

By Kayla Cameron

I spend a lot of my time on online fashion blogs, whether it’s free time or procrastinating with homework and studying.

I also browse various YouTube channels and hit up multimedia sites like Tumblr and Pinterest, trying to see if there are any ideas that spark a new angle for my next article. As I find myself skimming through these outlets, I have come to realize that without fail I am constantly hearing the little voice in my head saying, “Oh, this is cute” or “I love those shoes.” It doesn’t always have to do with fashion and clothes–sometimes it’s cool new ideas or quirky little facts that make me exclaim things. I’ve decided that I’m going to pick one of those fun things I’ve found during the week and make it the aptly known: Kayla’s favorite item of the week.

My favorite item this week actually has nothing to do with a specific clothing line or garment, but as I’m one to never stray from fashion it has to do with a clothing store.

H&M is the European affair many of us have had with clothes. Originating as a multi-national company in Sweden, the H&M brand has reached all corners of the world. The store brings hip, fashionable and the best cheap clothes to billions, but with H&M already making a large footprint in the fashion industry, it’s also well on its way to making a mark in environmental health.

Earth911.com writes, “H&M will collect stained, torn, or simply out of date clothes in an in-store bin. The clothing will then be sent to German recycler I:Collect, which will then turn the clothing into everything from new clothing to automobile insolation.”

According to Earth911.com, H&M has an environmental campaign that started in February 2013. In all of its 48 markets, the campaign wants people to begin recycling clothes to help lower the environmental impact of garment factories and production.

The best part about this new environmental movement is that for each bag of clothes that you bring into H&M stores, you get a voucher for a discount off of your next purchase. What’s better than that?

Companies all across the board have been trying to make changes to help the environment, from lowering the amount of plastic in their cups to using recycled goods to produce packaging. Who knew that aside from doing all of those things to help the environment we can do our part, though small, from the comfort of our own closet?

H&M is my favorite of the week because of the outstanding efforts they make as a globally known company to take a stand and make a change in our environment.

Next time you’re looking through your closet and you find some old clothes that you know you can’t sell to a second-hand store, take them to H&M’s green cardboard bin to put those old clothes to good use.