Local church to host breakfast to fundraise

By Northern Star Staff

The Unitarian Universalist Church, 158 N. Fourth St., will host a breakfast on Dec. 15.

The meal will take place at the church. The Welcome Cafe will provide food on a free-will donation basis for the unemployed and under-employed, according to a Tuesday news release. The Welcome Cafe and Community Kitchen will be offering more than a morning meal, though; there will also be a seminar providing information about filling out job applications, the general equivalency degree, English as a second language, and coursework available at Kishwaukee College, according to the release.

Computers will also be available for job searches and resume work. Students from NIU will provide a helping hand. Organizations like the NIU Chapter of Bread for the World, Alpha Phi Omega, and the Student Health Organization will all be contributing to the day, according to the release.

Live music will be also provided by local musicians.

For more information, contact Dan Kenney at 815-793-0950.