Traffic heavy intersections prone to more accidents

By John Bachmann

A little common sense can go a long way.

Around the DeKalb area there are several intersections prone to vehicle accidents.

DeKalb Police Lt. Carl Leoni said two intersections, Annie Glidden Road and Lincoln Highway and First Street and Lincoln Highway, have been frequent to accidents.

Leoni said at First Street and Lincoln Highway, there were 15 accidents in 2008 and 11 in 2009. At Annie Glidden and Lincoln Highway there were 10 accidents in 2008 and 2009.

“The reason for this is because so many cars are going through these intersections,” Leoni said. “Intersections that get the most traffic get the most accidents.”

The decision in DeKalb to make traffic sign changes starts with the public, said Joel Maurer, assistant director of Public Works for DeKalb.

An alderman will make the request after speaking from a concerned member of the DeKalb community, Maurer said.

From there, DeKalb Public Works determines whether or not a change should be made.

If they determine a change is necessary, it is brought before the DeKalb City Council who votes on whether or not to allow it.

DeKalb County Sheriff Roger Scott said accidents in DeKalb County tend to occur by Route 64 and Peace Road.

Scott said there have been six vehicle-related accidents at the intersection so far this year, and there were six in 2009.

Scott attributes an increase in traffic to accidents occurring.

“It’s primarily due to higher volume of traffic there compared years past,” Scott said.

Scott said the cause of the accidents also has to do with drivers failing to yield.

“They usually occur for those who fail to yield and those who don’t pay attention when they pull out after a stop is made,” Scott said.

Scott added winter weather worsens conditions with cars sliding on roads when drivers are stopping at the intersection.

In Oct. 2008, the intersection of Bethany and Glidden Road was changed from a two-way to a four-way stop due to concerns from the public, Scott said.

Scott said since the change, accidents have decreased there.

Around campus, NIU Police Sgt. Alan Smith said Annie Glidden Road and Lucinda Avenue are where accidents happen most.

In 2007 there were 10 accidents, putting the intersection in the top five of that year where accidents occurred, Leoni said.

Smith said these accidents occur when motorists and/or pedestrians are at fault.

“Students tend not to be patient and cross when cars have the green turn arrow,” he said. “Drivers turning try to avoid the pedestrians speed up sometimes hit them.”

All three local law enforcement officials agree the accidents can easily be avoided.

“The best thing for drivers to do is drive cautiously,” Leoni said.

“Pay attention to the stop signs and make sure whether or not you know you’re at a two-way or four-way stop,” Scott said. “And be sure to look both ways twice after making a complete stop.”

“Motorists and pedestrians need to obey the traffic signals,” Smith said.