Vaccines prove progress is making religion outdated

By Letter Writer

I was intrigued by Kathryn Minniti’s article “Practicing Your Religion is a Right Until it Imposes on Another’s Rights.”

To set the bar, I’m an atheist and here’s my assertion: Anyone who identifies themselves as Christian, who also agrees with Kathryn’s claim that denying your body vaccines in the name of your faith is detrimental to society as a whole is actually taking a large step towards atheism whether they know it or not.

By taking the vaccine, you are basically saying you know better than your God because you see more important consequences. This same concept of reasoning applies to many other things no longer practiced in Christianity as well (slavery, sacrifice, women’s rights, etc.). Society doesn’t do these things anymore because our own judgment is more favorable than God’s.

As time progresses, it seems like religion is becoming outdated. Of course, not many people want to openly admit this. But why? I can confidently say that most human beings are creatures of logic and reasoning, but why is it that only 18 percent of the population in our country identify as non-believers?

Why do we turn off logic in the name of religion? Why not question everything we’re told to believe and save ourselves the hassle of suffering unnecessary consequences early before science inevitably proves blind faith wrong? By agreeing to take a vaccine, your omnscient God has failed to live up to His title because your “imperfect” personal judgment trumps His, making your reasoning for blind faith circular.

Raymond Kowalczyk


Accountancy major