Different cars require more expensive fuel


How much you pay for gas depends on what kind of car you drive.

Economics professor Khan Mohabbat said people who pay for premium gas do so because their car requires that type of fuel.

“Premium gas is used only for certain cars such as those with V-8 engines because it needs more octane in the fuel,” he said.

Senior economics major Ankur Gandhi said it is necessary for him to use premium.

“I use premium because I have to for the kind of car I drive,” he said.

Mohabbat said a difference between unleaded and premium is the price.

“Premium tends to be 10 to 11 cents more than unleaded,” he said.

Gandhi said despite the higher price for premium gas, it hasn’t been affecting him too much.

“It would be a bigger deal for me if gas were $4,” Gandhi said.

Mohabbat said unleaded gas shouldn’t be used on cars that run on premium.

“If unleaded is used on premium gas cars it hurts the engine,” he said.

What type of gas people should use for their car can also depend on what the manufacturers suggest, Mohabbat said.

“Based on manufacturer statements, they may recommend to use premium depending on what kind of car it is,” he said.

Mohabbat said most cars don’t need premium gas.

“Most other cars run on unleaded gas because they don’t require as much octane,” he said.

Junior journalism major Gareth Sleger said he has always used unleaded gas.

“I use unleaded gas because it’s cheaper for me and the car I drive works fine with it,” he said. “For all the cars I’ve had, I never used premium because it wasn’t necessary for me to do so.”

Like Sleger, Ryan Mackey, senior business administration major, said he only uses unleaded gas.

“Unleaded costs less and has been working great for my car so there’s no reason for me to use premium gas,” he said.