Assault attempted in Otto’s bathroom


An unknown man attempted to pull a woman into a bathroom at Otto’s early Friday morning, police said.

At about 12:30 a.m., DeKalb Police were flagged down by a man who told police someone tried to pull his girlfriend into a bathroom at the night club, 118 E. Lincoln Highway. The victim told police that an unknown man grabbed her from behind and tried to pull her into the bathroom, and said, “I have something to show you,” according to DeKalb Police reports. The woman told police she then pulled away until the suspect let her go, at which point she left the bar, according to reports.

The victim told police she would not be able to identify the suspect, and could only describe him as taller than her and dark colored hair, according to reports.

Otto’s employees were told about the incident and to keep a look out for any other suspicious activity, according to reports.