Students advised to plan early before graduation


It is best to start planning early when looking for a job after college.

Cindy Henderson, executive director for Career Services, said there are several job areas where it is easier to find employment.

“The skilled areas such as health care, accounting and certain government agencies are some that are doing well,” she said.

Henderson said these job areas are doing well because of a few factors.

“The reason is because these areas require a different skill set, and there is less competition,” Henderson said.

Brett Kryska, public administration graduate student, said working toward a job in government gives him no worries.

“When I’m done with school, I’ll be looking for a government job,” Kryska said. “I’m comfortable about that because of the high demand for jobs with the government.”

Unlike Kyrska, senior history major Max Reytikh is nervous about finding a job.

“It’s been difficult for me to find a job with my major,” he said.

Reytikh said the job market makes things worse for him.

“As the job market gets worse, I’m getting more pessimistic,” he said.

Henderson said students should be working on getting ready for their careers.

“I can’t emphasize enough that students need to begin early,” Henderson said.

Henderson said the second year of college is when students should look into getting an internship.

“Beginning in students’ sophomore year, they should be trying to get internships,” she said. “This will assist later when looking for a full-time job.”

Henderson also suggests students who are graduating in May to attend the upcoming job fair.

She said by taking advantage of Career Services, they can better their chances of getting a full-time job.

“The students who visit Career Services have their resumes reviewed, schedule practice interviews and attend job interviews have much better luck in securing a full-time job,” she said.