International Association of Rebekah Assemblies forms Sycamore chapter


The International Association of Rebekah Assemblies recently formed a local chapter in Sycamore.

The Rebekah organization is a group that holds fundraisers for people in need of financial assistance. In the past, the organization has held fundraisers to help cover medical costs for cancer patients and participated in bike-a-thons to help raise money for multiple sclerosis patients.

“Myself, my daughter, my sister-in-law and two other women were all members of the Elgin chapter of Rebekahs and we started working to get a lodge open in Sycamore,” said Lisa Jindrich, noble grand of the Sycamore lodge.

The Sycamore chapter held their first meeting Jan. 16 and meets on the first and third Wednesdays of every month.

According to Jindrich, the chapter currently has 30 members, one associate member and three women who are stepping up to be members.

Members of this organization are required to attend meetings and fill out an application. Then, the chapter interviews the potential member, votes her in and initiates her.

“This is one of the oldest organizations in the United States,” said Kate Freestrom, secretary of the Sycamore chapter of Rebekahs, who has been a member of the organization since May 2005.

“We are a nonprofit, volunteer organization that serves the community by helping people in need.”

The derivation of this group has a unique history. According to the organization’s Web site, the Rebekahs is a women’s branch off of the Order of the Odd Fellows, a male fraternity that began in the mid-1700s with the sole purpose of serving the community.

“I understand the Rebekahs are a service-oriented part of the Independent Order of Oddfellows,” said Sycamore Mayor Ken Mundy. “IOOF has a long history in Sycamore, and we welcome any associated group who is dedicated to serving and improving the lives of those around them.”