Journalism open house offers look at department

By Thomas Owens

Would you like to be the next Mike Royko? Or how about the next Barbara Walters? If you’re interested in print or broadcast, the Journalism Open House is for you.

The Journalism Open House takes place at 1 p.m. today in Reavis Hall 103. The open house is for students interested in learning about the journalism department.

The open house will enable students to tour TV-8 and The Northern Star, meet with faculty members, attend a class and get information about scholarships and student organizations.

Daniel Riffe, chair of the journalism department, said, “The open house is an opportunity to showcase what is available to students in terms of the major, career opportunities, organizations, labs and the television station.”

All organizations dealing with journalism will have tables at the open house. During the open house, students will have an opportunity to tour different facilities with a representative of that particular organization.

Kim Ruppert, news director of TV-8, said, “We will be giving tours of the newsroom, control room and enable students to witness preparation for the night’s newscast.”

The individual tours will depart from the open house and will give students an opportunity to tour what they are interested in.

“Interested students will be able to see how the Northern Star operates. They will witness the activities of the newsroom and will be encouraged to join our staff,” said Sabryna Cornish, writing coach of the Star.

The tour will end at 4 p.m. Any interested students are encouraged to attend. Refreshments also will be served at the open house.