Commission recommends county-wide groundwater study


DeKalb County Regional Planning Commission recommended a county-wide ground water study Thursday night.

The ground water research will look at both the Troy and St. Charles aquifers.

Commission member Suzanne Sedlacek voiced her concern at the meeting.

“I am panicking about the fact that we are not on this already,” Sedlacek said regarding the fact that DeKalb County has not yet had a study done.

The study will look at how much ground water the county has and if there will be enough for the future.

Another concern is the growth of the surrounding counties.

“I think we have to have a mechanism to protect our water,” said commission member Rich Gentile.

The research proposal passed with a 13 to 1 vote.

“I imagine it will go before the executive committee and then the county board,” said DeKalb County Administrator Ray Bockman.

The proposal will most likely reappear in April or May, Bockman said.