Live Blogging the Florida Republican Debate


9:44 P.M. CST | A pretty run-of-the-mill debate: no bickering or fights, generally good points made by all of the candidates.

It should be interesting to see how Florida plays out, as Giuliani was banking on a Florida win, but is now in third in the state. McCain and Romney are first and second in the state, respectively.

9:39 P.M. CST | Paul gets really heated about what the Republican party “used to stand for.” Too bad Paul isn’t taken very seriously by his opponents. They should, because he’s beaten Giuliani in some state’s primaries.

9:35 P.M. CST | Huckabee stands up for his faith after the moderator says Bush said it gives him a queasy feeling. He seems pretty insulted by that comment, and says it’s really not American, to bash someone for their faith in a country of freedom.

9:28 P.M. CST | Giuliani is asked, if you would require an English test to become an American citizen, why are you airing ads in Spanish? Zing! And then a moderator says Chuck Norris, a Huckabee supporter, said McCain would be too old to understand the rigors of being president. Ouch.

9:22 P.M. CST | The topic of Social Security comes up. Ron Paul wants to abolish it, while Huckabee and Romney think it needs tweaking.

9:18 P.M. CST | I guess this is “Pick on Romney” time. He gets asked about his personal spending on the campaign and about his Mormon faith. But seems to handle it all right.

9:12 P.M. CST | Interesting. Tim Russert asks Romney, how would you run a campaign against Hillary and Bill Clinton? Romney says he hopes that doesn’t happen; the last thing America needs is the Clintons back in Washington. Oh, and there’s a Reagan name-drop! Romney vows to win “the old-fashioned way, the Ronald Reagan way.”

9:09 P.M. CST | Woah! Brian Williams just asked Giuliani, You went from very high approval ratings to coming in 6th, 4th, and 6th in primaries. What’s happened to your campaign? Giuliani doesn’t seem ruffled; he says a comeback will be sure to happen, and his campaign will follow the New York Giants as they beat the Green Bay Packers this week. Ha.

9:02 P.M. CST | Giuliani, Romney and McCain talk about a national catastrophic plan, which is important for Florida voters with the constant threat of hurricanes. They are obviously all for it, in front of this audience, at least.

Giuliani is very frank about global warming, something you don’t see with all Republicans. He believes we should buy more hybrid cars, use solar and wind power, and be energy independent, and we should make it a national project like going to the moon was in the 50s and 60s. McCain agrees with him.

8:54 P.M. CST | Paul asks McCain if he would keep a certain financial group if elected president; McCain seems confused and says, I would have this person and that person to advise me. Kind of a confusing, awkward moment, as McCain seemed to be simply humoring Paul.

8:49 P.M. CST | McCain asks Huckabee to defend the FairTax plan. He says it’s something both Dems and Republicans should support because it doesn’t penalize those who work hard and make money. It “untaxes the poor,” he says.

8:46 P.M. CST | Romney asks Giuliani how America needs to deal with China economically. Giuliani says China is good and bad, and basically, they should be dealt with cautiously. A really general answer that doesn’t really give too much insight.

8:39 P.M. CST | Question: Was the war a good idea, worth the price in blood and treasure? McCain unfailingly says yes, absolutely. Giuliani right away talks about what Hillary Clinton thinks; then gets to the point and says, yes, it was a good idea. Paul says no, it was a bad idea; it’s a needless war (His response gets applause, even though crowd reactions are not allowed). Huckabee gives Bush props, kind of dancing around the question, though he supports it. Romney says it was a good idea, it was just improperly managed previously.

8:34 P.M. CST | Romney says increasing the perks for those who sign up for the National Guard would allow for more troops to go to Iraq without having a draft. This will only attract more people for a short time, I’m sure. If we’re going to be in this war for much longer, troop numbers are sure to run out, even with the National Guard.

8:31 P.M. CST | McCain says we’re succeeding in Iraq. I think most Americans, at this point, would disagree.

8:27 P.M. CST | Great question: Why should Americans choose to put a Republican in the White House after the results from the past seven years? McCain says right away, the Dems will only raise taxes and increase spending. The Republicans can be trusted.

Huckabee says, I wasn’t in Washington then, so that’s why you should give me a chance! He again brings up how the economy is not good, if you’re not at the top.

Romney says, we’re the party of change. For the “past three decades”, both parties in Washington haven’t taken care of the issues. But these Republicans, Romney specifically, can promise change.

8:20 P.M. CST | Giuliani’s 9/11 talk is getting a little old. He has to make sure he doesn’t overdo it. You’re known for it, you handled it well–we get it. But mention other things you’ve dealt with.

8:18 P.M. CST | All this tax talk makes me think of the older Bush’s catchphrase: “No new taxes!” And look how that one turned out–with new taxes. With politicians, you really can’t put too much stake into the promises they make.

8:14 P.M. CST | Hm, Huckabee says something funny: people will probably use their rebate checks, which the government said today tens of millions of Americans will get to buy things made in China.

8:09 P.M. CST | Being honest: Giuliani’s lisp is really distracting.

But he makes a good point about financial issues and the decreasing status of American financial power.

8:06 P.M. CST | Starting with the economic stimulus introduced today; good topic to start with. Romney plays it smart, saying his plan will go further than President George W. Bush’s plan. Most of the Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Bush, as his approval rating is so low.

8:01 P.M. CST | The Florida primary is 5 days away. Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, Congressman Ron Paul, Sen. John McCain, and former governor Mitt Romney are in Boca Raton, Florida to debate from 8 to 10 P.M. tonight. Should be an interesting night.