Madigan labels powers abusive

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP)—House Speaker Michael Madigan said Tuesday the governor abused his amendatory veto power on almost every House bill he altered, so those changes will not be voted on.

Gov. Jim Edgar suggested changes in 24 House bills. On 95 percent of those bills, the changes went beyond the technical matters Madigan says governors are allowed to alter.

The House won’t vote on motions to accept Edgar’s changes to any of the disputed bills. Only motions to override will be accepted, Madigan said, continuing a policy he adopted years ago.

‘‘Constitutional authority simply lets the governor change technical matters in the bill—period, no more,’‘ Madigan said. ‘‘This governor and prior governors have exceeded that authority.’‘

Edgar spokesman Daniel Egler said the governor believes his amendatory vetoes were constitutional.

‘‘He made technical changes in bills; he deleted objectionable provisions from bills,’‘ Egler said. ‘‘And on more than half the bills, the sponsors agree with his changes.’‘

Illinois governors can suggest changes to legislation. Lawmakers then vote to accept the changes or reject them, which requires an extraordinary majority.

The exact limit of governors’ amendatory powers has never been settled.