Nudist told to move elsewhere

By Jami Peterson

The Neptune Hall nudist must move elsewhere and can no longer enter his residence hall as a result of a Judicial Office verdict Friday.

NIU student Tom Ryan said the Judicial Office found him guilty of both harassment of a university official and failure to follow the instructions of a university official. Ryan must transfer out of Neptune Hall and has been banned from the residence hall.

Ryan says he is not guilty and probably will appeal the verdict. He has two days to file this appeal with the Judicial Office.

“I am displeased with the decision,” he said.

NIU Judicial Office Director Larry Bolles said he could not comment on individual student cases or their outcomes.

Ryan was charged with the offenses after he posted a photocopy of a picture of Neptune/Gilbert Area Coordinator Margaret Phillips on his door with the words “To Tom with love—Margaret.” Because of the poster, Phillips filed the complaint against Ryan for harassment. Although Phillips has not commented on any aspect of the incident, the complaint stated he posted “an inappropriate picture.”

Ryan claims he was told by Hall Adjudicator Christopher Waugh that items posted on doors must contain stamps from both the University Programming and Activities office and Neptune Hall.

Although Waugh refused to comment on the meeting, he wrote in his official complaint, “We talked about related issues, like harassment and unauthorized posting on University property.”

Ryan’s actions spurred his friends, also residents of Neptune, to post Phillip’s portrait on their doors as well.

Bolles previously said the posting of the picture was not a violation, but the writing on the picture is in question and could possibly amount to libel or slander.

Actions of Ryan on a different level also have resulted in charges from the university. Ryan said he just received a letter from the Judicial Office stating he has been charged with disruptive behavior for his out-of-the-ordinary actions on Oct. 14.

Ryan was found watching “Seinfeld” in the nude in a fourth floor lounge in Neptune Hall with only a stack of inner tubes covering him.

The University Police were called to the scene and arrested Ryan and charged him with disorderly conduct. The police report stated Ryan “knowingly sat on a stack of inner tubes, without clothing, in the fourth floor of West Neptune lounge; in such an unreasonable manner to alarm and disturb Christopher A. Waugh, and provoke a breach of the peace.” The court date on these charges has been scheduled for Nov. 19.