Nestle facility opens

By Dan Jacobson

The Nestle Distribution Company had its grand opening of the company’s largest Midwest distribution center Wednesday.

Governor Jim Edgar and Nestle president Marco Corti did the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the new facility.

“Nestle Distribution Company has made a wise choice,” Edgar said. “Illinois’ location at the heart of one of the nation’s most dynamic retail and industrial markets makes it the location of choice for successful companies.

“The $30 million invested by Nestle here in northern Illinois is proof that northern Illinois is a good place to do business, and northern Illinois’ employees are capable of meeting the challenge when new technology, new requirements and a new era are put before them,” he said.

“More than 17 percent of U.S. retail sales are made in Illinois and its bordering states,” Edgar added.

“Government cannot create jobs. Government can and must create a climate that is conductive to job growth and business expansion,” he said.

“Projects like this one today are proof that our business climate is attractive to business. Nestle in Illinois makes good sense economically and strategically for the company, its employees and the entire state of Illinois,” he said.

Jim D’Amico, project manager of Champion Properties, a private development firm, said, “On September 9, 1992 we started construction on this facility. Less than a year later we’re fully operational and working. It took a great deal of team work and we’re here today to give some special thanks to every one that helped us along.”

The 860,000-square-foot-facility is located on the south side of DeKalb along Interstate 88. It is the largest facility in Nestle’s distribution network covering 157 acres. The facility includes the warehouse covering 19 acres which has 830,000 square feet divided up between room temperature space, air conditioned space, refrigerated space and administrative offices.

Rob Iverson, president of Nestle Distribution Company, said the facility will serve 11 states including Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and Indiana.

“This center will handle distribution of a majority of the more than 1,000 food and beverage products for Nestle Food Company, Nestle Beverage Company, Nestle Brands Food service company and Nestle Refrigerated Food Company,” Iverson said.