Iowa State sells out

By Mark Pickrel

Fans looking for tickets in the west side of Huskie Stadium for the Iowa State game are in for an unpleasant surprise.

The west side is officially sold out for the Sept. 27 game.

“I’m thrilled,” NIU coach Joe Novak said. “For eight years I’ve dreamt of a sold-out stadium. Having Maryland, a ranked team, a sold-out stadium, and a win is great. The fans and students have done a great job.”

Tickets will not be available for the north end zone bleachers against Iowa State.

The bleachers, which have been there since the 1960s, are not fit for seating, said NIU Athletic Director Cary Groth.

“The north end zone bleachers are not safe,” Groth said. “They could have been repaired, but the ground is not level. We are worried about the ends of the structure.”

Seats may be sold for the south end zone, said Groth.

“We are sold out for the NIU vs. Iowa State game on Sept. 27 at 3:05,” the NIU ticket office confirmed.

As usual, seats for students will be made available on the east side.

Groth said those interested in getting tickets for the game should call the Huskie ticket office one week before the game for availability on the stadium’s east side.