Small defeated; Harris wins

By Rachel Helfrich

With only 30 votes separating the two, Karega Harris beat incumbent Andy Small for the spot as 1st Ward Alderman.

Even before the votes came in just after 9 p.m., Andy Small wore a somber face as he held little hope for himself.

“We just didn’t get the voters out today,” Small said, who had seen the preliminary numbers.

Shelby Small, Andy Small’s daughter who turns 8 today, did provide some comfort to Small on Tuesday evening. Small recounted his daughter’s statements, and said, “She said she doesn’t love me because I’m an alderman, but because I’m her dad.”

Although Small was disappointed in losing his re-election bid, he reiterated his appreciation for the opportunity to represent the 1st Ward and serve the DeKalb community.

“All in all, it’s been a good four years,” Small said. “And I’ll miss it.”

On the other end of the spectrum, Harris looked forward to taking on the job as alderman.

“I am very eager to get to work for the 1st Ward,” Harris said, who said he was excited when the election results came in.

Harris took time to thank all of his family and friends who had supported him and gave him motivation.

But Harris, who has big plans for his four-year term, wanted to make one point clear to all those that voted for him.

“No one who voted for me will be disappointed by my commitment to our city,” Harris said.