Small plans for next term in First Ward re-election bid

By Rachel Helfrich

Current 1st Ward Alderman Andy Small is up for re-election on the April 1 ballot.

He’s up against senior sociology major and Student Association Senator, Karega Harris.

Small was elected to his first term four years ago, and throughout the term, he has made contributions to the community by way of the formation of the Greek Row Revitalization Task Force and he is bringing about the police substation at University Village.

City-wide, Small has been working on the city council to foster growth along Sycamore Road.

Small took his current position at NIU as the chemical laboratory manager in 1989.

Small has been involved with the Energy Conservation Committee at NIU as well as serving as the Operating Staff representative to the NIU Board of Trustees. Small currently serves on the Operating Staff Council.

With his re-election bid, Small hopes to continue to work with the residents and landlords of Greek Row to improve the image of the area. He thinks that with the budget deficits looming statewide, 1st Ward residents should consider experience on Election Day.

Overall, Small has enjoyed his work as the 1st Ward alderman the past four years.

“It has become a part of my life, of who I am,” Small said of the position. “I would greatly appreciate being able to represent the people in the next four years.”