Airport to extend its legs

By Joseph Martillaro

he DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport is attempting to bring more corporate jets and big business to DeKalb.

With a new east-west runway and a heavy aircraft parking area, the airport is booming and shows no signs of slowing down.

The airport’s biggest improvement will be the extension of the main north-south runway to accommodate larger corporate jets.

Presently, it just isn’t sufficient for the heavy corporate jets to take off when it’s hot out,” Airport Manager Tom Cleveland said.

The problem with the current runway is that bigger jets are unable to fully fuel up and take off — the runway simply is too short.

“With the new extension, planes will be able to take off with full fuel and full loads,” Cleveland said.

Cleveland explained that this new addition would bring the city new revenue on the sales tax of the jet fuel and the attraction of more businesses to DeKalb.

“We are trying to make this a great general aviation and corporate airport,” Cleveland added.

Pleasant Street will have to be routed toward Barber Green Road to accommodate the extension. Roadwork will begin this fall and is expected to be completed by next spring.

Following the roadwork, the runway’s extension will begin and be completed by fall 2003.

Cleveland explained that there still was some work to be done to get the extension approved, but that the “funding is looking very good.”

“NIU will be able to use this airport for its sports teams,” Cleveland explained.

The airport manager explained that the airport has a good relationship with NIU and President John Peters.

Another important area that the renovation hopes to help is entertainment for the Convocation Center. The new extension will be able to accommodate larger jets that big-name entertainers usually fly in.

Cleveland explained that the money for previous projects and the future airport plans will be 90 percent federally funded, 5 percent state funded and 5 percent local taxpayer supported.