NY firefighter to visit DeKalb

By Courtney Cavanaugh

World Trade Center survivor and New York firefighter Ed Rodriguez will make his way back to DeKalb this week.

The New York native visited DeKalb in March as part of an initiative called “Cities Unite America and Thank New York City Firefighters.”

From 4 to 6 p.m. Friday, Rodriguez will visit DeKalb Fire Station 1, 700 Pine St. as part of an informal open house where people can meet him and enjoy refreshments, said DeKalb Fire Chief Lanson Russell.

Afterward, Rodriguez will spend time visiting with his fellow firefighters and touring DeKalb.

Although Chief Russell never met Rodriguez, he said that Rodriguez developed a relationship with firefighters that he met during his last visit.

Rodriguez was well-received last time he was in town; and with the Sept. 11 anniversary approaching, people will want to reflect, Mayor Greg Sparrow said.

“He’s a nice guy,” Sparrow said. “A typical type of guy who was obviously thrust into a position that hopefully most of us are never thrust into.”

Chief Russell said Rodriguez had wanted to come back to DeKalb “because he’s never seen corn in his life.”