Burritoville on probation

By Todd Krysiak

Burritoville, 1026 W. Hillcrest Drive, will not be serving liquor Sept. 13 through 15, after owner Roldofo Galvan admitted that one of his employees served alcohol to a minor.

The incident occurred July 26, when a Burritoville employee served liquor to a person under the age of 18 without asking for identification, said city clerk Donna Johnson.

The case was settled before Galvan’s hearing when he agreed to the three-day suspension and six months probation. The probation requires that the establishment have no further infringements of the law during the period or it could face heavy penalties.

This is the first liquor law violation for Burritoville.

DeKalb mayor Greg Sparrow, who also serves as liquor commissioner, agreed to the suspension and probation after a very short discussion about the incident. Galvan also will have to pay half of the court reporter’s costs.

“Burritoville will be required to write employee policies and be able to prove that they are available to the employees,” Johnson said.

Burritoville holds a class B liquor license, allowing it to serve both beer and wine.

DeKalb police said stings are usually run on businesses that have had several complaints or when police arrest several minors at a single establishment.

“We usually run about one or two stings a year, with about a 25 percent success rate,” Lt. Jim Kayes of the DeKalb Police Department said. “If we get several complaints, we will definitely be paying [that establishment] a visit.”